spring serve 2025

Jun 1, 2025 at 12:00am

We love serving our community and alongside our local partners! Check out our growing list of Serve Opportunities over the spring season- with more being added each month! 

Contact Julianne if you want to discuss ways to engage in service! Also, as you serve, we’d love to hear your stories! juliannej@westgatechapel.org 419-841-8077 x1006


  • Let’s reach Westgate’s Neighbors together! Saturday morning, April 12. 

This neighboring event is a place for us to serve our community by going out to the neighborhoods 1-2 miles around Westgate with invites to Easter services and ask if they would like prayer.  

  • International Friends Easter Event Saturday, April 19. Event from 5-8pm. 

Let’s welcome the nations that are here in our neighborhoods as international students. Opportunities to serve at the event include food prep, driving international students, hosting activities, or set up and tear down. Info to serve will be released on Sunday, March 16. 


  • Help kids pick out books at the Book Fair Thursday, February 13 from 8-9am or 4:30-7pm. Choose one or more hours! For more info, contact Stephanie Bogner at stephanieb@westgatechapel.org                                                                           
  • Dragon Fest – Family Fun Event Friday, May 9 from 5:30-7:30pm at Dorr Elementary. Host a game or pass out candy, help with inflatables, or serve refreshments. A Signup Genius will come. Reach out to Julianne with questions or check the Spring Serve page!


  • This July, we are sending a team of 8-12 people to serve for a week. Visit westgatechapel.org/costarica for more info and to access the application!


Westgate Contact- Heather Frantz htfrantz92@yahoo.com

TNC Contact Shelly Bartlett shellyb@thatneighborhoodchurch.com

  • Serve at the Daughters of the King event April 12th 11-1pm. Volunteers will sit with girls ages 5-12 and help guide them through the event's activities. Interested? Contact Amy at 734-659-7023
  • Serve on a Tuesday at Kids and Student Ministry Participate on a Tuesday night during the school calendar year from 6:30 to 8pm, where we gather for a night filled with fun and connection tailored specifically for our young attendees.



Contact Tiaunna Richardson tiaunna@keepwatchprayer.org

  • Join the Westgate-Dorr Elementary Prayer Walk by becoming a certified Keep Watch volunteer.
  • Prayer walk at a school near you!  Gather some Westgate friends and partner with Keep Watch to establish a weekly prayer walk at the school that is on your heart.
  • Participate in the March 20 Rise and Shine Fundraising Breakfast!  Come and hear powerful stories of lives and schools transformed by prayer. Register Here


Here are a few of many opportunities available for individuals or groups!

Email volunteer@waterforishmael.org for more information or opportunities.

  • Serve at our International Dinner and Culture Walk annual fundraiser at Westgate Chapel on April 11 by setting up, tearing down/clean up, serving food, and babysitting client kiddos.
  • Serve by coming to spread mulch on our preschool playground.


Contact Wes and Marjie Blood wdbbdw@aol.com Learn more at www.GO-UT.info

  • The Toledo International Hospitality Program (TIHP) is an opportunity for Toledo individuals and families to develop a cross-cultural friendship with some international students and do something fun with them once a month for one year. 
  • Conversation Partners (CP) is an opportunity to help students learning English to practice their speaking and listening skills through simple conversation. We are seeking adults of all ages, especially young adults, who will meet once a week for an hour for one semester with a student.
  • The Household Items Giveaway provides furniture and household items, in the name of Jesus, to newly arriving international students from around the world. We can use drivers with trucks who can be that first, friendly face of Jesus to these students. 


  • Host a block party/social event Easter is the perfect time to gather for an egg hunt or do something inside like a game night. Pray for opportunities to show and share the gospel!
  • Supporting a life group member Where is God working in the life of someone in your group? Is there a way you as a life group can come around them in an area where God is moving? How can you encourage them?


Contact Melanie Maraugha melanie@bellavitanetwork.org  

  • Volunteer at CREATED 2025 fundraiser on April 24. Click HERE for the details.
  • Use your gifts Visit our website at bellavitanetwork.org and click the volunteer application, we have a list of over 30 different volunteer positions to choose from, including helping with annual events to weekly care with clients. They also have an Amazon Wishlist! Amazon Wishlist


Contact Jim and Bridget Beach jimbeach.yl@gmail.com 

  • Be a volunteer Young Life Leader Build relationships with local students, introduce them to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith.  
  • Join the local Committee Serve behind the scenes as in informed local advocate. Options include Leader Care, helping run fundraising events, Prayer Team, Donor Thank You Team and more. 


Contact Maggie George maggie.george@cru.org 

  • Welcome college students to Westgate We would love to partner with a small group of people who would organize a welcoming opportunity (like a brunch or other meal) for college students following a Sunday worship service in September and January. College students benefit greatly from connecting with healthy churches. Having an easy opportunity to do so where it's communicated that they are welcome and valued would be a huge service to both Cru students and staff. 
  • Prayer Walk the campus with the Toledo Cru staff team or on your own. 
  • Host monthly men's/women's gatherings We would provide the content, you would provide the space, and maybe snacks if you'd like. 
  • Amazon wish list: Here is a list of some things that would be helpful in this coming ministry year.